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At Agora Princess Margaret International School we prepare our students for an international future without limits or barriers.Our curriculum is multilingual, focussing on achieving complete fluency in English and official languages. Lessons are equally delivered in our three core languages, English, Castellano and Catalan, at every stage of the curriculum.

Linguistic immersion

Language immersion at Preschool stage is key to the early learning of any language. In our school we have initiated a 100% English Immersion Programme for the entire infant education cycle (3-6 years). Throughout primary school (6-12 years) and secondary school (12-16 years) the language programme guarantees that 50% of the subjects are taught in English, 25% in Spanish and the remaining 25% in Catalan. Throughout schooling, subjects vary from one language to the other to ensure that pupils acquire the necessary vocabulary and skills in all three languages.

In terms of qualifications, pupils are prepared for Young Learners (Starters, Movers, Flyers) and Key for Schools (A2) qualifications from Year 2 to Year 5 to monitor their progress in language learning. From Primary 6 to 4th grade students are prepared for the Preliminary (B1) First (B2) and Advanced (C1) qualifications and can take the official University of Cambridge exams, also obtaining the equivalent level in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFRL).

Phonics Programme

At Agora Princess Margaret International School we have implemented the Read Write Inc. Phonics programme. This programme was created by Ruth Miskin in 2002. It is the leading synthetic phonics programme in the UK, with the most respected and comprehensive professional development. This programme starts in I3 up to Primary 3. The programme focuses on children's success: confidence and enjoyment of reading are key. Classes last 3 days and develop both decoding and comprehension. Children have the opportunity to develop their vocabulary and talk about the books they read. Following this educational system all children reach the expected level in the phonics screening check, develop reading fluency and read with understanding, develop cooperative behaviour and articulate their ideas and comprehension, spell and write with confidence.

Cultural exchanges and stays

Our 1st and 2nd ESO students spend a weekly stay in an English-speaking country to enhance their learning and knowledge of English culture. Additionally, every year the Globeducate group organises a series of sporting, academic and cultural events for the schools belonging to their extensive international network, bringing together students from all round the world.

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