Get all the news from Agora Princess Margaret International School l as well as the Agora family of schools in Spain and Andorra.
- Presence at events
Once again this year, Agora Princess Margaret participates in the most awaited music event, the International Music Festival of Globeducate.
- News
The MiCole platform ranks Agora Princess Margaret International School as the best private school in Barcelona.
- Awards and recognitions
Agora Princess Margaret Primary 2 pupils, winners of the Sculpture and 3D art category of the Globeducate Arts Competition.
In 2023, Princess Margaret International School became part of Globeducate, a leading educational group with over 60 schools in 12 different countries and a community of over 40,000 students.
Admission to Princess Margaret International School is a rigorous and thorough process, ensuring academic excellence and the all-round development of our students.