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Dial Joven: Radio Workshop at Princess Margaret International School

Dial Joven: Radio Workshop at Princess Margaret International School

This school year our Primary students had the pleasure of attending  the radio workshop conducted by DIAL JOVEN. It has been a very enriching experience that we will, no doubt, repeat in the future.

The development of the internet has meant a revolution in the world of communication. The network means an  end to technological limitations that have been reducing the usual use of radio in school as a pedagogical and communication element.This is precisely the focus of DIAL JOVEN with the use  of WORKSHOPS in Primary and Secondary schools, bringing media to the students with journalistic professionalism, yet  in an easy and pleasant way adapted to the different levels of learning and curricular areas. These  actions make all the technological means of a radio Studio available. we want to share this type of communication with the families and the rest of the school community in this web.

In the DIAL JOVEN we can listen to all the recordings of the students who participate in the workshops throughout the school year, just with a single  click. This is known as online radio. The influence  of programs or “pod casts” with news, interviews, debates, music … we are sure to generate new and enriching debates in the classroom and in all curricular areas. We think that no other support is so close to our way of relating to the environament as the radio since it is made up of words, dreams and pauses. DIAL JOVEN presents itself as a rich and diverse reality that we can build among all: students, teachers, parents … It is up to us to create this shared space of communication that is an open window to the exchange of ideas and curricular learning.

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